Today we explore working together on a project. We suggest building together!

Why? When children build together they explore math and science concepts, and they develop their social and early literacy skills.

Children can use any material to create. Some options include branches from the backyard or a variety of blocks at home. Or maybe they can try building a hideaway made from couch pillows at home.

Build and share pictures of children’s creations on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram using the hashtag #woyc20. Be sure to tag the museum at @ideaMuseum on Facebook and @ideaMuseumMesa on Instagram and Twitter.

Start with a book!

Books we love about cooperation and perseverance. You can find e-books in OverDrive, a digital library collection.

  • Swimmy by Leo Leonni
  • The Most Magnificent Thing by Ashley Spires

Find additional suggestions from our friends at Mesa Public Library by clicking the link.

Build a family fort

Walk around the house, inside and out as a family looking for materials and sharing ideas. Create a brainstorming map to keep all your ideas together which can even include a blueprint (or drawing) of what you would like to create.

Once you have everything you need, get started and have FUN!

Create your own world

Gather recyclable items and crafting materials around your home to create a work of art together!

If you have been to the museum, take inspiration from our HUB Gallery. We’ve seen a variety of cool creations, such as rockets shown below.


Think about how you might use the materials available to you. Then use your imagination to create your work of art.

Happy building!