idea Lab now open

idea Lab

Supported by Meta

The idea Lab is a new space exploring the intersection of art and technology! Activities feature motion and sound, AI, upcycling and more! You’ll also see 3D printers and laser cutters in action. 

Highlights of the idea Lab include:

  • Be your own lighting and sound technician in our tree forest and take selfies on the screens to have your face appear on our Arizona-native animals lounging in the trees – an owl, a bat and a bobcat.
  • Build a Bug Adventure: Create your own bug masterpiece by choosing your 3D printed bug heads, bodies and legs to design a unique bug that can be magnetically mounted throughout the space.
  • Brick Beats: Make your own music by building Lego’s of varying size and color on a plate. When cranked, the plate moves across a camera, turning your creation into sounds!
  • Upcycle Challenge: Using recycled materials, build different creations based on the prompt or what comes to mind.

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