Let’s make our own monster decorations as we head into Halloween. You just need a few art supplies and some imagination!
Getting started
Gather all or some of these materials:
- Recycled materials
- Paper cups
- Paper towel tubes
- Art supplies, such as paint, pipe cleaners, foil, yarn, stickers, etc.
- Pencil
- Scissors
Step 1: Use a cup to create a monster body.
Step 2: Make holes for monster arms.
Step 3: Decorate your monster. Use whatever material you like.
Think about: What unique characteristics might a monster have?
Step 4: Thread your pipe cleaner through the hole you made in the cup.
Step back and look at your creation!
Monsters come in all shapes!
Don’t have a cup? Then use a paper towel tube or toilet paper roll!
We’d love to see your artworks! Please tag us – @ideaMuseum on Facebook and @ideaMuseumMesa on Twitter and Instagram.