Do you children love space and art?

This is an easy way to create an artwork of a galaxy that doesn’t take a lot of time or supplies. Plus, it allows your child(ren) to practice art techniques – blending and layering.

Additionally, you can add in some time to research space images. NASA offers a great resource. Younger kiddos may enjoy the activities provided by NASA Kids’ Club. Also, Nat Geo Kids offers 10 facts about space.


Getting started

Materials needed:

  • Black paper (you can also just paint paper black)
  • Soft pastels (chalk also works for this)
  • A space image for inspiration and reference (this can be from a book or online)


Step1: With pastels or chalk, scribble the colors your see in the space image onto your black paper.

Step 2: Use your finger to blend the colors together.

Step 3: Add layers of color by scribbling more colors on top of your drawing to make it vibrant, then blend again. Repeat as many times as needed.

Step 4: Scribble white color into the lightest areas from the picture and blend with your finger again.

Step 5: Use more white to scribble in extra texture.

Step 6: Add stars to complete drawing.

Finally, you are done and can marvel at your masterpiece.

About this activity

This galaxy art is one of many creative activities that may be offered during an idea Museum Wonder Camp or during a special event, such as Far Out: Our Solar System Family Day.

During museum camps, gallery educators would tie the art activity to a lesson featuring space exploration and the invention of telescopes and space satellites. You can do this, too!

Gallery Educator Rebecca Cameron, who is a full-time artist and former teacher, pulled this activity together. Rebecca specializes in galaxy-themed artwork. Find her on Instagram, Tik Tok and YouTube as @bexxfineart.