idea Museum Code of Conduct

idea Museum Code of Conduct

The City of Mesa wishes to foster a climate of respect, comfort and welcome within museum facilities for all visitors and staff.  The idea Museum is dedicated to supporting early learning, nurturing creative thinking, and promoting family engagement.  Our visitors are...
idea Museum Membership Program FYIs

idea Museum Membership Program FYIs

Museum members are some of our greatest supporters.  Museum membership provides unlimited visits for the duration of the membership and pays for itself in as little as 2 visits. Member Benefits: Unlimited visits to the idea Museum during membership period Members-only...
Help bring Atrium to life!

Help bring Atrium to life!

A message from Executive Director Sunnee O’Rork on behalf of the idea Museum Foundation: There is an amazing opportunity to bring the idea Museum’s Atrium to life and make a difference in the lives of children. As you know, the idea Museum recently...